Working on the Boat cover brought up some problems. I needed to store the boat outside and cover it while towing.
While a flat cover would work fine for towing, it would quickly turn into a swimming pool when used for storage.
I was planning to use aluminum bows in a slot already in the gunnels to make a "pop up" style cover to shed water while in storage. , but it became obvious I'd need lots of them (IE: $$$$$) to keep the cover from flapping and collapsing if I used it for towing.
I knew I didn't want some big complex thing with poles and tie down's all over the place. I wanted something light, easily to take up/down and easily stowed.
Then I hit upon an idea from a web search:
Great idea to keep the cover up.
So I got out and old ratchet strap, some webbing material and the sewing machine and adapted it a bit for better trailering manners:
Just what I'm looking for. The ratchet strap pulls taught and loads the bows under compression, making them even stiffer. It will keep the cover up and shedding water when stationary and will support it while trailering down the road. When ready, release the ratchet mechanism and it goes loose, slip the bows out of their slots and it all folds up to a straight flat piece.
Now to start on the cover.
Fortunately, we are encouraged at work to use materials to practice our skills on projects when things are slow. I'm using some rip stop material that is water proof. Light and flexible, sheds water like a duck and you can't tear it if you tried, even if it's got a cut in it.
Mil spec stuff, love it!