OK, the maiden voyage was a success, in that neither I or my dog fell in the water, the boat didn't sink, and I caught "a" fish- a giant ~8" bass, lol. We had a good time though, I spent a lot of time just getting used to the boat, and making sure Shelby was too. My little transom mount trolling motor does just fine, it's a 34 lb thrust model. That's encouraging since I won't be able to rush out and buy the bow mount one I want anytime in the near future.
For the first hour, I thought to myself, there's no way I'm going to put a casting deck on this thing. But after a while I got used to it, and even spent some time fishing while standing on the center bench. It seems a little tippy to me when you are standing up and walking, or sitting back down, but once you're there, it does pretty well. I think for smaller reservoirs or fishing the creeks of larger ones will be fine. Anywhere that there is significant boat traffic, forget it. Although I'd probably say that about this boat in general, standing or sitting. Oh and by the way I'm 6' even, and 200 lbs. Your mileage may vary.
The boat didn't leak that I know of, although I'm not positive. By the end of a 4 hour fishing trip, I had probably 1/3 cup of water in the back, and the only place I could see it coming from was around the plug. I think it's possible that either I didn't have the plug in tight enough, or I need to fix the plug hole. At any rate, that's a pretty minimal amount of water coming in.
When I got home, I spent some time ripping the outdoor carpet off the center bench, and scraping that *&$#@! carpet glue off. I got to the point that I needed the livewell hatch off, so I drilled the rivets out and removed it without too much trouble. I'm thinking about finding someone to weld the plug hole shut in the livewell (baitwell, really) and converting it to dry storage.
Huntinfool, thanks for the advice about the trailer. I think even if I moved the front supports forward a foot, I would still not have an issue with my vehicle hitting the trailer. It has a really long tongue for a trailer this size. Good point about needing to move the front supports, I will keep checking all the trailer supports every time I change anything.
Poolie, thanks, and HECK YEAH I will be moving the front seat further back!! After today, I realized that my diagram had the seat WAY too far forward. I'm an avid jig fisherman and like to be as "up front" as I can, but in this boat, I'll have the seat as close to the middle bench as I can. It's a small enough boat that I will be plenty close to the front and sides. I will be doing something different with the front compartment(s) as well. I think my drawing is not close to being scale, and I won't have enough room for one big compartment.