Fishing License

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$25.00 > 16 yrs. to 69 yrs. here in NYS until you become 70yrs. then $5.00.
lol I remember when I paid $2.50 then went to $3.00 then $5.00 after that they just went crazy.
This is likely higher then reality in later generations. I read somewhere that later baby boomers and Gen X are showing a growing trend of dying young.
I can attest to this as I've lost many friends in recent years who passed in their 40's and 50's, mostly of cancer or strokes.
With most in my family not making much past 62, even if they offered a lifetime license here it would never be a gamble worth taking. Its not likely though. Its more likely that they increase the ages or eliminate the senior license altogether.
I quit fishing in freshwater because of the cost of a license here, and the lack of edible fish. Nearly ever body of water has some warning attached to it, and NJ has a gas motor ban in all but a couple lakes.
This year however they switched the 'Free' saltwater registration over from its own website to being part of the Fish & Game License website. My guess is their getting read to attach a fee to that too.
I've had the same issues with renewing boats and trailers online, they refuse nearly all transactions saying it has to be done at a 'regional' center only. There are no regional centers nearby since they changed the local MVS office into a License Only facility.

The boat in the ad above is WAY overpriced. A $10k boat at best here, and at that it would sit a long time.
Keep in mind that those who have $10-20K to spend on a boat likely have cash for a new one as well. Those who don't, tend to buy $500 boats and motors.
Yeah, I Reg. every year with NJF&G was so glad Ocean fishing FREE FOR NOW! NY has zone's where you need ocean fish & where you don't !?? I see it this way if being fed by ocean ???? why charge no stocking it ok they do work keeping everything in order but common 100$ now for sportsman's licenses and dosent even give duck or turkey lucky enough to get fishing one point they were charging addt;l 15.00 to fish Hudson because of stripers coming in / how many years folks been catching them and all of a sudden a way to get more money // put a feather in a fish's butt and they will be chrging for a new breed of fish


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Can't believe what some states charge for sportsman fees. Guess we need to look close and see which party is in charge there. Worse part is how little of those fees they return to the sportsman in improved conditions !! Politivcians are afraid to raise taxes as they may not get re elected, but watch out for fees, just another tax in disquise.
When I was much younger I often wished to move out if Ohio and find someplace better for the hobbies I have. After much searching and talking to others in other states, I am realizing why I am still here after 73 plus years. No, not perfect, no where is, but over all these years, I have saw a fair return for the dollars spent on sporting hobbies as long as we keep the right group of folks in charge. Our senior license for fishing is 10 bucks, easy to renew online, good for one full year no matter when you renew. Take a pic on your phone and you don't need to actually carry it with you. Very accomodating forvus seniors
nothing cheap anymore in NYS
Folks wonder why some leaving completely for another country & yeah Politian's don't like to raise tax's/ but have no problem, Givin themselves a $36,000 raise & complain it not enough! While a lot of folks scratchin by under poverty level. well anytime DEC choose to hand out extra deer permits my hand was there not afraid to say so with over $100.00 paying for permits & fishin "free day" I'll take advantage of anything the state offer's if its going to help my family & community
nothing cheap anymore in NYS
Folks wonder why some leaving completely for another country & yeah Politian's don't like to raise tax's/ but have no problem, Givin themselves a $36,000 raise & complain it not enough! While a lot of folks scratchin by under poverty level. well anytime DEC choose to hand out extra deer permits my hand was there not afraid to say so with over $100.00 paying for permits & fishin "free day" I'll take advantage of anything the state offer's if its going to help my family & community
here in gods waiting room, aka florida, after you hit 65, i did, salt and fresh licenses are FREE
Chances are you're paying for the some else's free fishing license along with their phone, 5 star hotel, free meals...
I am in my state, like it or not.
Is it bad enough yet?
Md gets almost $200 a year for me to hunt my own property. I live in WV but still have property in MD so they charge me for being a non resident to hunt my own land. Luckily only md waters I fish are the upper potomac which has recipicrocity with wv and The Chesapeake bay and its tributaries where I lisc the boat for fishing.
florida has em free after 65. i guess they figure they can make up for it in bait sales.


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Md gets almost $200 a year for me to hunt my own property. I live in WV but still have property in MD so they charge me for being a non resident to hunt my own land. Luckily only md waters I fish are the upper potomac which has recipicrocity with wv and The Chesapeake bay and its tributaries where I lisc the boat for fishing.
Add a mailbox on your land then you will be a resident, might even be able to heat your home on all the junk mail !
Add a mailbox on your land then you will be a resident, might even be able to heat your home on all the junk mail !
It has a mailbox and a 4k sqft farm house multiple barns etc they tax me out the Yazoo on it even with it being in farm preservation.
My drivers license says WV so MD will not sell me a resident liscense . Doesn't matter how much property I own in the state or how much taxes they collect from me every year.
the best reason to have licenses in multiple states, even if you can still do that anymore, not sure!
the best reason to have licenses in multiple states, even if you can still do that anymore, not sure!
No. I just moved states and you need to turn in your driver license from your previous state to get your new license. And you can't get a fishing license in the new state unless you have a drivers license in the new state.
No. I just moved states and you need to turn in your driver license from your previous state to get your new license. And you can't get a fishing license in the new state unless you have a drivers license in the new state.
was hoping that wasn't going to be a problem, darn; used to be you could have DL from several states but I guess they shut that off awhile back, sorry!
Here in sunny Alberta, CA where it's minus 39C right now, you only pay $28.00 Cdn. if you are between 16 and 64. Under 16 is no charge and 65 and over no charge. If you want to fish and keep Walleye, it's $3.35 and that is done by a special draw.
I'm over 65 so I fish with no license.
the best reason to have licenses in multiple states, even if you can still do that anymore, not sure!
Yeah can't do that anymore. One day it will all be for sale and I'll be free of MD once and for all. Unless my son's decide they want to take the farm over against my advice lol I've always told em when it becomes theirs sell all the equipment, all the cows and all the Acerage and retire at a young age and enjoy life. Unless they want to be like me at 40yo half crippled and broken fending off doctors who want to start replacing parts they say are no longer serviceable lol