Gotta get ready for gator season!!! 14'flat bottom/johnson25

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Well started doin some work yesterday and it was off to a bad start. this dosent lok good at all. anyone have any idea how to get this d*** thing off. man i was mad. wanted to take the sledge hammer to it but i took a deep breath and steped away.


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once i got over that issue, which was supposed to be just changing the points, i started onto something else. The long gruling prosses of grinding this thing down. and man i tell you no matter what it is you use to do this it will deffinitly wear your a** out. I keep getting tired off one spot so i was jumping around alot. couldnt decide where to start. lol. but i did find a few damaged areas not bad but i was wundering what is the best way to repair these. here are the pics.


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If that is a crack in the first pic...the best way to fix that is to have it welded. Everything else will eventually leak. IMHO.
The one in the first pic is just a scratch and the other is a few really dents from something but i dont think any of it is all the way through there was some crappy bondo on it and is why i didnt notice it before.
Mr.Green said:
Well started doin some work yesterday and it was off to a bad start. this dosent lok good at all. anyone have any idea how to get this d*** thing off. man i was mad. wanted to take the sledge hammer to it but i took a deep breath and steped away.

Ouch! The threads are...were for a flywheel puller. I know..."Now you tell me." I think you can rent/borrow one from Auto Zone. It's a cast piece with holes, and you bolt it on to the three threads. Then there's a big screw in the center that pushes against the end of the shaft to pull the whole thing off the shaft. Start by soaking it with some WD-40 or PB Blaster. If it's really tight you go slow. Put pressure on it with the big screw then tap at the screw and the flywheel with a hammer until it gives, pops, etc. Tighten big screw again, tap, repeat.
Yeah i think now im gonna have to do some extinsive work to get it off now cause iv screwed it up worse now but today i realized i have that tool in my box. WOW was i mad but things are ok now. i was worried cause i looked on the evinrude site and the fly wheel is a part that is NOT AVALIBLE. but found one on ebey for $30 bucks used. now just gotta get "the rest" of the old one off. also started to get the smaller motor running a lil better to use it till the other is running and something came apart under that fly wheel. Man im having bad luck with these motors.but this time i will definitaly pull it the right way. sorry no pics of progress lately but my project has come to a halt due to lack of funds. hopefully something will come in soon. I am so ready to be fishing in my boat and not the bridge down the road. thank all of you for all your great ideas. Iv really gotten alot of great help from all of you.
Well today I ordered the flywheel a stingray hydrafoil a carb rebuild kit and a remote throttle control oh and the owners manual for my motor now gotta order the ignition parts and hopefully the thing will be running only bad part is everything is being shipped standard USPS and will prob take for ever to get here oh well it will give me some time to get back to getting the boat ready to paint. I have a question about the paint. I have painted a lot of cars and I was thinking about doing a paint job as you would on a car you know prime sand base coat sand then a few clear coats maybe even throw in some flake to make it look like a true bass boat. Is this a good or bad idea how does this type of paint job hold up in the water and on and of the trailer?
WOW!!! Check out this great find i just got about thirty mins ago. I do computer repair a bit so I was working on this ladies computer and she took me to the garage to get a kitten for my girlfriend and lieing in the corner was this vintage outboard. so i asked about it and she said "What that old thing, i dont want it you can have it if you want it". and i put my poker face on, so she wouldnt see what kind of mistake she was making, and simply said "Sure ill take it since you dont want it. I can probably do something with it.". It isnt locked up, it has great compression so i am more than happy. Hey maybe my luck has finally changed!! Oh yeah its a 1957 5hp Montgomery Ward Sea King and I GOT IT FOR FREE!!! Cant beat that deal. Oh yeah, does anyone have any idea how muck this motor would be worth running as once it is running i plan to sell it.


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Ok i really need some help!! I just pulled the four bolts holding up the lower unit on my 57 gale 5hp to check everything out and well it comes down bout an inch and wont drop anymore also a spring and a black round thing fell out how do i get it out the rest of the way and where do these parts go. maybe i could just throw them up in there and close it back up. lol not really. but hell if it wont end up running ill probably build a stand for it and put it in a corner in my house somewhere. i just love looking at these old motors like this. they used to really put thought into the visual of these old motors and now it all about arrow dynamics which looks great too. Well yeah can anyone please help me with this, i would really love to have this on the back of my smaller boat.
It won't drop any more because you probably did not undo the shift linkage. I know on the new motors there is a little window that you unscrew somewhere on the shaft to get to the linkage but not sure about that old of a motor.
Havent posed in a while but i have done some work on the motor i replaced the points and condencers cleaned the fuel pump and checked all lines and did a little to the carb. but its still not running right. can anyone please watch this video and tell me what it could be.

well there isnt a fuel filter on this motor unless you mean the little screen in the tank and i just replaced the float and the little pin under the float and the old one didnt have the clip on it but the new one came with one so it put it on not sure if that could cause this or not but also ill get new clean fresh gas tomorrow and try agian.


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