Herloom 14' Arkansas Traveler Mod


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Motor question for the vintage gear heads...I pulled out the motor today and after trying to start it realized it's going to take a little light cleaning to get it running again (mostly just pulling and cleaning off the spark plugs and mixing some new gas), but I need a new gasket/o-ring for the carb bowl. I have a '57 Evinrude Sportwin 10 hp and I found one for a '58 Sportwin. What I need to know is did Evinrude change the carbs from '57-'58?
Aside from the paperwork and a couple odds and ends, I give you all the finished product! I started this project over a year ago and have driven my wife mad with the time I have spent on it but I am thrilled with the results!!!

I do need to ask though, is my cavitation plate high enough in relation to the bottom of the stern or should I look into getting/making a jack plate?

Anyways, on to the pictures!


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One last touch :)

Norma Jean is my wife's grandmother's name and the boat was given to me by her and originally purchased by her dad in the late 50s, best part is...she doesn't know yet. She won't see it until I take her out for its first joy ride (after making sure it still floats).

In other news paperwork is in and I am officially legal!!! I had some registration numbers made by the same people who made the name for me. I got them from diylettering.com...I highly recommend doing business with them!


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Got the motor cleaned up and running again today after about 8 months of it sitting idle. At this point I am just waiting for my registration numbers to come in and then wait for a nice clear weekend to take her out...Have I mentioned that I hate waiting for stuff like this??
OK so I finally got my batteries and and a trolling motor. I have a transom mount Minn Kota Enduro C2 40#/36" but I am concerned because I only have 2 places to mount it, on the transom and in the bow. Will mounting it near the bow work or will it track poorly?


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Got some storage installed for my stern light and my fire extiguisher


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Will this work?? It has me mildly concerned...

Does anyone have a better idea?


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My numbers came in and with the afternoon off I got them installed and I could not be happier!!! I also got up inside and got my fish-finder mounted.

would ask how people here like the Raymarine Dragonfly 5 but after looking through this whole website apparently only like 2 other people have one and none of them are talking about it lol...


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I have the Raymarine Dragonfly 5 Pro. So far I love this thing. Mine came with Navionics + and the detail is unmatched for the money. I am very impressed with the wi-fi because I can use my cell phone as the fishfinder at the front of the boat while the GPS is midship on the console. The only issue I am having is the 20+ mph winds every day that has kept me off the water and keeping me from exploring the unit more. I am headed to Tampa Thursday for the weekend and will put it to use even if it's just running a couple of the rivers. I will take some screen shots this weekend.
Great!!! Thanks, I would love to see some screenshots if you don't mind posting them. I do not have the pro model I have the 5 DVS, but I just bought it off a guy at school who was parting out a kayak. And if you don't mind my asking, how did you mount your transducer? I have read about 20 different theories on mounting them and none of them make any sense to me having never had one before.
I will take a picture of the transducer when I get home. I just predrilled holes filled them with a bunch of 5200 and screwed the transducer in place.
Well I forgot to take a picture of the transducer before it got dark. Will do tomorrow. Here are a couple pics that I snapped via the Dragonfly with fi 2 weeks ago. I still haven't made any adjustments in the GPS to get clearer pictures or reduce noice. I was trying to get a manatee on the screen but no luck.



This boat turned out beautifully but the best part in my eyes in naming the boat after her grandma. Nostalgia should kick in when she sees it and rides in it. Love this build! Great work!
Thanks Wyatt, that's what I'm hoping!

Freek-Thanks for the pictures! When viewing on the image on the unit do you see both of those screens? or do you only get both on your phone?
Attempted to hook the trailer up to my truck today and found a problem in the wiring, got it all sorted out and tomorrow I will be taking the boat out Lake Arlington to make sure it still floats :) GAME ON!!!
Wow! Wholly frustrating afternoon...
-Attempted to hook up the trailer this afternoon, ball won't fit
-Go and get a new 1 7/8" ball, go to install it, shank is too short
-Drive all over kingdom come trying to find a 1 7/8" l with a 3" shank, find one after an hour of looking
-Finally get the right ball installed and trailer hooked up, no holes for safety chains
-Find a couple holes that end up working, and take the boat/trailer for a road test and it performs beautify
-Load up the boat and the truck and head to the lake
-Get everything unhooked and attempt to launch the boat...turns out I don't know how to back up a trailer real well
-Get laughed at by a guy on the launch who doesn't offer any pointers or tips...just laughs
-Finally get the boat into the water, motor won't start (on top of that find that 3-4 rivets in the transom are leaking
-Hook the boat back up, winch it onto the trailer, go home
-Get home, attempt to back the trailer back up into the yard, jackknife it and break the tongue
-Finally get it back up, say screw it, leave everything in the boat and go inside...

On the plus side it looks pretty driving down the road :)


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