Wow! Wholly frustrating afternoon...
-Attempted to hook up the trailer this afternoon, ball won't fit
-Go and get a new 1 7/8" ball, go to install it, shank is too short
-Drive all over kingdom come trying to find a 1 7/8" l with a 3" shank, find one after an hour of looking
-Finally get the right ball installed and trailer hooked up, no holes for safety chains
-Find a couple holes that end up working, and take the boat/trailer for a road test and it performs beautify
-Load up the boat and the truck and head to the lake
-Get everything unhooked and attempt to launch the boat...turns out I don't know how to back up a trailer real well
-Get laughed at by a guy on the launch who doesn't offer any pointers or tips...just laughs
-Finally get the boat into the water, motor won't start (on top of that find that 3-4 rivets in the transom are leaking
-Hook the boat back up, winch it onto the trailer, go home
-Get home, attempt to back the trailer back up into the yard, jackknife it and break the tongue
-Finally get it back up, say screw it, leave everything in the boat and go inside...
On the plus side it looks pretty driving down the road