Aaron Lariscy
Well-known member
Saturday afternoon I was on the river and was working up the river hitting a few holes for bait on the way to a striper hole. I kept hearing gunshots and thought nothing of it just figured someone was having some target practice. It started getting later in the afternoon and I had a decent amount of bait so I turned up and started heading toward my hole. I got alongside a little riverside community and slowed down to keep my wake from beating their docks and boats up. As I was idling along I hear a gunshot followed buy a bullet wizzing over my head and impacting the bank of the river opposite the community. :shock: I looked and theirs a guy sitting on his porch shooting over the top of me, he fires another shot and I holler at him as to what his f-ing issue is and he just flicks me off and fires another shot. :evil: At this point I shoot the juice to it and get the hell out of dodge. I called the DNR but don't know how much good it will do me as they are pretty understaffed in our area. Needless to say I was pretty shook up after it all and waited till after dark to go back by again.