One of the key things about Li batteries is use !!! If you use them frequently, the cost is easily justified, but if used only on ocassion then probably not worth the expense. I have been researching them a lot, talking to actual users and have a couple friends in the battery making business. My conclusion is...if you use them at least once a week, then they are well worth the cost, if you have a small boat where weight is critical, then they are worth it. Myself...the jury is still out..I try to get out a couple times per week, I know, retirement is great....but many times it is for a joy ride, no trolling motor needed, fishing once per week weather permitting, I have spot lock instead of an anchor so TM is used a lot and also for trolling. So I am almost in the " use it enough to make it worthwhile group" still deciding.
As long as my current 4 yr old batteries work well I will hang on, but when it comes time to replace them...still thinking..but I need three of them ..OUCH....gonna hurt !!