Following up on the mount made for the trolling motor I had to build some brackets for the anchor system I've got for the boat.
It's a Minn Kota Deckmate and came with a roller system you mount on the front or rear of the boat to guide the rope in. I've got no flat areas up front to mount it directly to so we had to build some brackets of some sort to hold it on. Read the captions to follow and you'll understand better the solution I came up with.
Found the mounting location, problem is I need a flat area. None to be had so I have to make up at least 2.5 inch's of material under the rope guide.
Here's the ultimate solution I came up with. Just used some basic hand tools and a vice on my work bench to do this.
I used some 1.5 inch flat bar aluminum bent up to fit how I wanted... How did I get that nice curve in that thing? With a vice and elbow grease. I used a socket that was approximately the same size as my rail to bend the aluminum around.
Finished up with some 90 deg bends..
cut the tabs off that I used to hold it in the vice then affixed to rail..
Here are the brackets in place with the guide on top. I'll be securing them to the deck after vinyl is down. I'll also drill some extra holes in the guide to attach it as the bar was 1/2 in short in width.
All done.. the unit snugs up to the brackets and just sits over the top of them for a nice flush look.
Shot of the front deck layout and where things are going to be. I put the seat in and sat down to make sure everything was in a good position relative to fishing location.