Sac Jigs

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Lost Pole

Well-known member
May 12, 2014
Reaction score
New round here to learn how to mod my tin. Since I have nothing useful to share when it comes to boats, thought I'd share my fishing hobby.
I make these for sacalait fishing rivers n bayous. They work good and keep me busy when I can't fish.









Tight lines!
What size are they, weight and hook?

Do you powder paint them?

I pout and paint my own 1/32, 1/16, and 1/8 oz. jigs and use the powder paint. I don't tie though, use the 2" plastic Southern Pro Hot Grubs.

Sac-a-lait, they're just like a Crappie... but smaller. :LOL2:

Where you at in da swamp down dere? Got a buddy that lives in Red Stick.
Thx fellas.
Mr fool, ain't a better feeling than the thump a sac sends up your pole, through your arm and into a black heart. :)

Thx Mr Jim!

Longshot, no sir. Gave em away for free for a good bit, but the wrong people rubbed me sideways and it started to feel like work.

The ones pictured range from 1/32, 1/12, to 1/8. All are #4 sickles except that last 1/8 which is a #2.
I like #4s but considering going with all #2s……maybe. I'm undecided.
Been fishing with more 1/4s lately as the northerly melt is pushing water faster.
Yes, I pp all my heads. That's actually my fav part of my jigs. I've experimented for a long time and gotten above avg with what I can do.
I use a few SP tubes. The 3" ones I believe, they're thicker.
Ha! Where ya at? If they grow bigger than here or Mississipi, I wanna see!

Dunno where red stick is, but I'm in SE LA. Pearl River to be exact. Honey Island Swamp is home.
[url= said:
Lost Pole » 9 minutes ago[/url]"]
The ones pictured range from 1/32, 1/12, to 1/8. All are #4 sickles except that last 1/8 which is a #2.
I like #4s but considering going with all #2s……maybe. I'm undecided.
Been fishing with more 1/4s lately as the northerly melt is pushing water faster.
Yes, I pp all my heads. That's actually my fav part of my jigs. I've experimented for a long time and gotten above avg with what I can do.
I use a few SP tubes. The 3" ones I believe, they're thicker.
Ha! Where ya at? If they grow bigger than here or Mississipi, I wanna see!

Dunno where red stick is, but I'm in SE LA. Pearl River to be exact. Honey Island Swamp is home.

Red Stick is Baton Rouge.

Those are some excellent powder paint jobs.

I'm in Talladega Alabama, about 10 miles from the Super Speedway. We're a little further north than y'all but we still get some good size slabs. There's some 3 and 4 pounders around here on the Coosa River, but I haven't caught one... yet.
Only caught 3, a few shy of 3 lbs, in my history.
Cldve chalked em up as so. But wldve ate em regardless.
4 is unheard of here.
Big 4 COE Lakes (or is it 5) in MS Might be another story, but I don't fish there and they troll more often than not. I'm a single poler.
I'm a troller, that's why I use the SPHG... lots of action with the wiggly curly tail.

The jigs you make are beautiful, but aren't worth a flip for trolling. they just pull straight with no action. I do know they have the perfect action when fished under a cork and pulled and stopped or for jigging straight up and down... but that's too much dang work for me... do you think that makes me lazy? :LOL2:
Not in the least, diff strokes for diff folks.
I tie some road runners or belly spins if I wanna set two out and scull in search. Either that or cast a triple tail on an an ultra light casting rod. But 95% of the time I'm sitting over diff structure.
Thx for the kind words about my jigs.