Well it's been awhile since Ive posted on my mod here, as we've been busy enjoying the summer, fishing just about every weekend on our local small lakes. We spent a nice week in a friends cottage in an area called Tobermory at the northern tip of the Bruce Peninsula here in ontario. The tip shares Lake Huron (on the west side) and Georgian Bay (on the east side). It was absolutely beautiful up there, and we did manage to get the boat out on the big lake in the harbor area. There are two harbors, Little Tub and Big Tub, and they are called tub because the sides of the harbors are a near vertical drop about 45 feet+. There are some sunken ships that you can see from the surface, as well as nearby islands with neat habitat.
We ventured from Little Tub out to the Big Tub harbor, and
Lake Breeze held her own very well, even though there were 2 foot swells at times!
Now, onto the mod again... Ive made some very
minor additions to the boat since the last post where I finished the motor cowl. Since then Ive added a zigzag cleat and anchor. The anchor is about 8lbs, folding type and it actually holds really well, even with 3 of us in the boat:

The anchor folds up and the rope and itself are stowed neatly in one of my bow access hatches with dry bag attachments:

I also came up with a simple system for clipping on/off our fenders using s.steel hardware:

And I used some 3M hooks and caselogic chutes for garbage. Even with a lot of wind they stay put, and the trash is kept in by the elasticized openings:
Ive also now driven through a couple of rainstorms with the boat and the boat cover that I purchased for it, and I have to say the cover works incredibly well, keeping everything very dry! It hasnt come loose, it doesnt flap in the wind, and its really easy to put on and off. Here's a link to the cover I purchased:
And finally, here's what the rig looks like before putting the cover on it. As you can see, we keep all our rods, tackle boxes, gear etc inside and the cover keeps everything nice and dry:
Im still wanting to purchase some Attwood LED clamp on lights, and Ive asked for a fishfinder for Christmas..
Thats' all for now!