What an incredible day on the lake today as "
Lake Breeze" took her maiden voyage! After some backingup/going forward with the trailer, I finally managed to get it down the ramp. It was really easy to release her into the water. The first thing I noticed was the boat sat very well in the water, not low at all, and thats will 2 tackle boxes, rods, a cooler with drinks, 4 gallons of gas in a 6 gallon metal gas tank and all the modifications that I have added. I was really excited. There were 3 of us in the boat, my wife, my daughter and myself, and with all of us in, again, it didnt sit low at all, basically exactly the amount of freeboard it was built for.
I started her up, and the 9.9 Evinrude didnt disappoint! We cruised around at a slow/moderate speed, and it moved us well. We had to be very cautious as today at the lake there were some events going on, including dragon boat races, but the lake was big enough to accomodate everyone.
Once we got past the racing area, I opened her up full throttle and much to everyone's surprise, the boat planed. And I mean planed!! the bow where my wife was sitting was up in the air and we were just zooming along. I used my portable gps and it clocked us at around 24 kilometers/hour, which is 15 mph. Thats with the boat fully loaded,(and Im 255lbs myself

We were on the lake for about 3hrs, eventually getting to some fishing, but I had the rods stored in the boat in sections, and when we went to get them, they got all tangled and it took forever to undo... then we realized we didnt have an anchor, so getting into the shore/weeded areas where the bass were was always leading us to close. So next time, we'll have an anchor with us.
Here are some pics from the day:
I have a video of the boat in full throttle, but I have to figure out how to upload it....
Some of the things I learned from this outing and some things that I will need to address are:
1) My wife and daughter dont like using seats, they prefer the open seating style. It wouldnt have mattered if I used actual boat seats or the stadium seats, they just like the freedom of movement on the open seating. I, on the other hand, really like the stadium seat as it gave me good back support and was very comfortable. Plus, moving it just involved picking it up and, well, moving it to where ever.. So next outing, just the seat for me!
2) Water does eventually make its way into the bilge area.. I guess I knew this, but it does get we back there. There wasnt really enough to be drained by pulling the plug, more like a puddle. When I got home, 3 dish towels dried it up, and I easily peeled back the flooring in the stern to let it air dry - Im soo glad I went with my flooring idea!!
Im wondering, though, would a bilge pump be able to suck that water up? It wasnt high enough to reach the lip of the drain, so Im not sure if installing a bilge pump would help...something to ponder...
3) There are never enough cup holders!! this is so true... my wife and daughter ended up using on of the cup holders for our bait scent spray bottle... Easy fix, as there is room for another
4) The 'Y' pipe rod holders work
perfectly. Totally reccomend them, and maybe somebody will make them with a logo and charge $35 each... :wink:
5) I decided to us the storage 'bins' I built this time to put our disassembled rods in. I think for next time, I will simple place the rods on top of my seating/decking areas and secure them with velcro, fully assembled. That way, the rods wont get tangled, and I can use the storage areas for other stuff.
6) I think I'd like to add lights, even though the latest I'll ever be out is just before dusk, they do look way cool just on the boat. 8)
7) There were a few other folks out on the water today, some guys on Jon's and a guy in a Lund, and I they all totally were checking out my rig... I gotta order me a tinboats.net T-shirt and sticker!
Well, that's it for now. After wanting one for soo long, and months of waiting and about a month of intense build, it was really great to have that freedom to roam on the water. I can't wait to take her out again, and Im sure I'll be tweaking some more.
Im going to do a 'photo shoot' of the boat soon, with some before pics I havent posted and the after pics....so stay tuned!!