What causes a spun hub?..


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Well-known member
Jul 19, 2012
Reaction score
Suffolk, VA
So I had a spun hub 1 year ago and got it fixed for $39. Went out on the water yesterday and my hub spun 3-4 times. Not sure what is going on? Is it normal to have to fix a spun hub once a year, should I just get used to this? But I would like to know the root cause. I am not hitting anything or grounding on any sandbars, weeds, or rocks. Is there a way to prevent it? I am using a 10x13 prop...pretty sure it's standard for the Evinrude 35hp.

Any help would be greatly appreciated.
Are you sure the hub is spinning and your not getting prop blowout/cavitation? This can happen from turning to sharp with motor at elevated position, motor just trimmed to high, weeds and lilly pads wrapped around prop etc......
Hubs will dry out, harden and shrink if not used on a fairly regular basis. OR..... the wrong hub may have been used when the prop was last rebuilt. Either way it sounds like you need to have it replaced. It won't get any better......