Hi Whistler,
I went into this expecting some re-work, but I didn't think it would go as far as it has. I was really hoping to only have to re-carpet the rear deck, thinking that the front and main casting decks were in good condition. I was going to just remove and put back the livewell and bilge covers, and re-carpet only what I had torn up. When I found that the plywood had been untreated before applying the carpet, it turned into a whole different project. At this point, I've taken so much apart that I decided to go with the vinyl instead of carpet. I hate having wet carpet, it never drys out and gets your pants wet when you kneel down. Now I need to replace every piece of carpet on the boat, a much larger and more laborious task than I originally hoped.
I am still very glad I did it, as I probably wouldn't have found half the issues that I've seen without it.
As to the flasher Jigngrub, I am a tinkerer at heart. It was as much of the challenge of getting it going again as finding a use for it. My thought is to use it more as a depth sounder than a fish finder. I've already got an Eagle 320 on the trolling motor, and I'll take my Garmin 300C and mount it so it is visible to the driver and the rear casting deck. In the end, it may get yanked anyway

. But I would have had to take it apart to find out what was wrong with it, as it would bother me to no end until I found out

I'm an engineer, and no questions can go unanswered... I have about a 95% success rate at finding out what is wrong and about a 75% success rate getting it back together after

I've been this way as long as I can remember, and my wife just rolls her eyes and lets me go... Good woman
JnG, wanted to tell you that you did a great job on your boat. I hope mine turns out half as well as yours did. Mine didn't start with all of the nice aluminum trim around the covers, so it's certainly going to look a lot more plain.