Huge Picture Post Incoming!
Hey ya'll, It's been around ten day's since the last update and I've gotten alot done. Not as much as I'd like to but that's always the case.
The main accomplishment is that I have around 80% of the wiring done! The console is wired up with the exception of the horn and LED lighting. I've also gotten the hose's run for the livewell and the main fuel line run.
Wiring.. I spent a few day's planning this out in my head then wasted some time dorking around online with a schematic generator that I ended up not using. The free ones were just not comprehensive enough and I wasn't going to spend money on one so I ended up just doing it all freestyle as I went. Would be nice to have a schematic to look back at later but whatever; I worked on electronics in the Navy for 20 years so I've got a clue and can go back and look at my work and just trace wire's if I need too.
The nifty switch panel I have has a built in fuse panel and I also added another on the door that I made earlier to access the electronics bay. The extra panel is to fuse the stuff not connected to a switch on the main panel. That was the entire reason for building that little door. I wanted to be able to open it up and get at the fuse block easily without having to contort myself like a pretzel to do it.
I also built a couple of 2 bolt terminal blocks to connect the wire forward from the battery to the motor aft and give me a spot midships to trunk off of for the console 12v source. These were just constructed out of a couple of SS Bolts and some cutting board that I sandwiched the bolt heads between to isolate them from the hull. A heat gun and some pliers made it easy to melt the bolt heads into the plastic for a nice snug no slip fit.
The hoses for the livewell, overflow and main fuel line I wanted to run under the flooring so to do this I installed PVC conduit to run the hose's thru so that they wouldn't be subject to smashing or kinking or being cut open. This took much longer than expected and I ended up having to go out and get an Air driven drill to get the angle right for the last 3 holes that would be cut in the stringer under the back bench... but we got it done and it worked out great.
Here's the pictures.
Constructing terminal blocks.
Inside the console wire done! *(mostly)
In this one you can see one of those terminal blocks to the left.. also the radio sender unit is mounted upside down to the frame above. You can see the cooling fins for it at the top. Out of the photo on the left is a negative ground bus bar. Nothing zip tied down tight yet, I've still got some wire to run.
Fuse block on the door. Its mounted on some cutting board, there is also a fuse breaker that isolates everything. Nothing here is zip tied down tight yet either.. it will look much cleaner when I'm actually finished running wires. I have one labeled Spare that i'm actually going to hook the 12v accessory plugs thru.
Decided to add 2 12v accessory plugs to the back of the console and we got a nifty little holder to mount beside it to put a cell phone that's charging or a handheld radio in. When I cut the holes for those plugs the heat made the paint bubble up and peal off. So now I've got more touch ups to do.
Water and fuel lines run into conduit. I cut holes thru the ribs for these to run underneath the floor that's going over the top of them.
Thru the electronics bay.
Out from the bay into the main cockpit.
Under the back bench.
And finally into the bilge area.