jirwin6985 said:
Nice job man that looks great. I have a cd player to put in my boat too but couldnt figuare out a way to mount it but that mount you have there would work great im gonna look into that.
This is what I got... and where I got it from. You might be able to find it cheaper, but I got the radio, speakers and this housing unit all off of Amazon - mainly because I got the free shipping.. I should have shopped over the net, but I figured I made out pretty good - one guy at the ramp asked me if it was some kind of new graph.. you can't see the radio because the housing is blacked out. It's a pretty good unit too... even if it is a Pyle (something I would never buy for my autos... I only use Alpine for that if it's aftermarket).
That booger is a ****** to hookup. You hook up all of the internal wires to the radio wires. Me and my smart self decided to just start hooking up the colors like I used to do in my cars since there were no written instructions. Well.. I get to looking and some things just didn't seem write. I finally flipped the case over and they had the wires coming out of the back of the housing labeled. I had to start all over. The only wires coming out of the back are power, ground (which is a yellow/green wire :doh

, speaker outputs and an rca jack. You can plug the antenna straight into the back. I'm not going to put an antenna on it... just pop in SD cards and thumbdrives since I can then listen to whatever I want.
Clarker2000 -- sorry man, but this is all I've got since the other piece is over 5 hours from my house. This is the basic concept of it though. That piece where the winch (dog bowl) is, should probably be about 4" shorter. The best thing to do would be to weld the bow stop part on, then measure how far back it needs to be with the winch kind of set in place.. I didn't have any of that stuff with me, nor the boat, when I was building this in my head. I'm probably going to have to cut it down because my tongue is not that long...
The pieces will be attached with U-Bolts... that will allow me to slide the bow stop up and down the mounting bracket, as well as slide the mounting bracket to and fro on the tongue...
In the last picture, the bottom 2x4 represents the tongue of the trailer.. the other 2x4 is the mounting bracket. It will have one of those smaller pieces welded to it as well, with little notches drilled out the on edges for the U-Bolts to fit into so that they don't slide around.