Alright I got the rear deck installed this morning... good God it's hot out ](*,)
As you can see, I overbuilt the deck bracing as usual :lol: I did however, get away without having to use many brackets, which saved me a bundle. I bought a 15 buck box of deck screws, and I think the rear deck turned out just as good, if not better than the front deck. I went with plywood that was just over 1/2", but was slightly thinner than what I used up front. With a gas tank and two batteries in the rear, I have more than enough weight back there already. While I did use a ton of 2x2's, they are really light IMO. I used about 3 total, maybe less, which really doesn't add up to much weight.
As you'll notice, I painted some of the 2x2s a really dark brown, where ever you might see the bracing after the deck is installed. That thompson's in butt ugly, and I think the darker color gives it a more finished and professional look. I also had some foam left over from the 1432 build, so I put it under the rear decks. Not sure it would do much, but it might deaden a little noise. I screwed the foam down with those Teks screws with the flange, and its really solid.
Next come the hatches, but I need to sit in front of the computer in the AC for a while before I deal with that :roll:
Here are the long awaited pics....