Dyeguy's 1648 Mod- Pics Update... DONE


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Boat looks great man. Looks to be the same color I just painted mine. Was kinda wondering what color carpet I was gonna go with to look good with the tan ext. Was shying away from the grey but it looks alot better than I expected. How does that 40hp Mariner push the boat, what kinda speed you getting. I have a very similar build going with a 1648 but with a 50 Mariner.
Very nice man, you have really done an amazing job.

I'm already drooling over a 16 foot V for the shallow water Chesapeake fishing I do and I'm not even done my 12 mod.
rook said:
Boat looks great man. Looks to be the same color I just painted mine. Was kinda wondering what color carpet I was gonna go with to look good with the tan ext. Was shying away from the grey but it looks alot better than I expected. How does that 40hp Mariner push the boat, what kinda speed you getting. I have a very similar build going with a 1648 but with a 50 Mariner.

I get 30 mph by myself, 28 with a coangler. Hopefull I kept this rear deck light enough to keep those speeds.
Alright I got the rear deck installed this morning... good God it's hot out ](*,)

As you can see, I overbuilt the deck bracing as usual :lol: I did however, get away without having to use many brackets, which saved me a bundle. I bought a 15 buck box of deck screws, and I think the rear deck turned out just as good, if not better than the front deck. I went with plywood that was just over 1/2", but was slightly thinner than what I used up front. With a gas tank and two batteries in the rear, I have more than enough weight back there already. While I did use a ton of 2x2's, they are really light IMO. I used about 3 total, maybe less, which really doesn't add up to much weight.

As you'll notice, I painted some of the 2x2s a really dark brown, where ever you might see the bracing after the deck is installed. That thompson's in butt ugly, and I think the darker color gives it a more finished and professional look. I also had some foam left over from the 1432 build, so I put it under the rear decks. Not sure it would do much, but it might deaden a little noise. I screwed the foam down with those Teks screws with the flange, and its really solid.

Next come the hatches, but I need to sit in front of the computer in the AC for a while before I deal with that :roll:

Here are the long awaited pics....


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Looks great man but if you think its hot add 100 percent humidity to it! Oh and it gets hotter down here in about a month it will be around 100! hows that for hot? :mrgreen:
Got the hatches installed, which was a pita. I had to tear the carpet off one and cut it down a little bit, then recarpet. Then I realized I put the grain facing the wrong direction, so I got to recarpet it again! How fun!

Hatches are in, but look kinda crappy with the wrong size hinges. I'll have to order another one sometime soon.

And now I'll enjoy my last few hours before this sun burn sets it 8)
8) HOT and HUMID here today (until the STRONG thunderstorm hit ) boat looks great! does the tray in front of your motor drain water back out of the boat? my boat doesnt have that tray, but i see a lot of boats that do so i was wondering how important it would be.....i also like the design of you rear hatch's...
wolfmjc said:
8) HOT and HUMID here today (until the STRONG thunderstorm hit ) boat looks great! does the tray in front of your motor drain water back out of the boat? my boat doesnt have that tray, but i see a lot of boats that do so i was wondering how important it would be.....i also like the design of you rear hatch's...

Most drain through the transom. If you are in rough water and take waves over the transom, it allows most of the water to exit. Same for when you come off of plane real quick. Now, you could have one like my old boat had, which from the factory had no holes. Never did figure that out. One of the 4 bazillion previous owners drilled all sorts of holes in the bottom, so now it trains into the hull. There were a lot of things wrong done on that boat from the factory that just didn't make much sense to me.
Yeah there are two holes, about the size of a normal drain plug. That's why I have my bilge pump hooked up through the side- that way I can see how much water is pumping out and when it's done, without having to lean over the boat or listen for the stream.
Bemisboy1 said:
Where do you order a livewell like that?
ya don't buy that one. to many hassles with ordering. i've seen nice ones made out of a cooler.
Got the front and back walls of the cockpit in this morning, so now I'm waiting for the sidewalls to dry before applying carpet, so they can be installed.

Then comes the console shrink, new piano hinges in the rear, a new front left hatch (one corner was misshaped) and I can call her done! [-o<
Finally snapped some pics.. This is where the boat stands as of right now.

Things left to do:
Put carpeted wood over exposed 2x4 at the tops of the walls
Cut down the console
Redo the rear hinges because they turned out like crap
Make a new front left hatch (one corner ended up too small)
Recarpet two walls of the recessed TM tray, because it takes a lot of abuse
Figure out why my GPS suddenly stopped working
JB weld a couple holes from the oar locks
Touch up some paint here and there

Sell and buy bigger boat.

Here are the pics, in no particular order.


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PM Jim.. they're 5 bucks I believe

I just got off the phone with Tracker. Turns out my boat can take up to a 60 horse... if I don't sell this thing, the 40 is as good as gone, and things are going to get nuts :twisted:
If your can figure out a way to ship, I could make a phone call and sel it for you right now. I have accounts with trucking companies and a dock so setting it up would be pretty easy. Got a buddy that is hard up for a good 40-50hp remote steer.

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